A path beckons. Breeze stirs the senses and entices. Time to explore. What lies beyond? Down the rabbit hole we go.
Love is an endless circle. It's limitless with no beginning or end.
A flame burns in a quiet forest glade in the Low Country of South Carolina
The glowing light from the moon shining in the bedroom window. The white picket fence outside. The glow in the blue night sky. Impressions of a dream entwine together. Subconscious meanings evaporate in the morning light.
In a time long ago sights, smells, and sounds flood the senses. Waving heads of grass, twinkling stars above, insects chirping. A portal to another time, when life was sweet, pleasures free, and love ruled.
In the empty space between night and dawn time stands still. Thoughts drift in and out of conscious awareness. A grey stillness envelopes the world. Not a sound is heard. The soul is released to roam the world.
Distant lovers yearn for one another. The moon, destined to circle the object of its desire forever, longs for the earth Trees, like the moon, long to connect with the sky. Wanting what is theirs, but can never possess.
Deep in the Low Country a flame erupts from the earth. No heat, just light, illuminates a secret place in the forest.